
考虑粘聚力损失的岩石残余强度模型 与数值验证

时间:2017-11-23 10:15:22 编辑:知网查重入口 www.cnkiid.cn



Residual strength model of rock considering cohesive force loss and its numerical verificationAbstract: At present, the study of rock mechanical properties seldom involves the stage after peak strength. And there is lack of effective method to determine the residual strength of rock. Based on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, a rock residual strength model considering cohesion loss is established by assuming that the rock cohesion strength is 0 after the rock enters the residual deformation stage. The indoor three axis test results of intact coarse-grained marble are fitted by the proposed model, and the fitting results of existing M-C model and Joseph model are compared. The analysis shows that the model can better describe the relationship between rock residual strength and confining pressure. Finally, the model is written into the FLAC3D program to verify the numerical results, and the results show that the simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. The research work has a certain significance for the analysis of rock post peak mechanical properties and accurate determination of rock residual strength.Key words:Hoek-Brownfailure criterion;rock residual strength;cohesion strength;coarse-grained marble

1 引言准确确定岩石的残余强度对于岩土工程的设计具有重要作用,运用合理的岩石残余强度模型可以使数值模拟评价岩土体变形稳定以及支护加固有效性更为准确[]。目前获得岩石残余强度的途径主要是通过Mohr-Coulomb等岩体破坏模型拟合岩石进入残余阶段的试验数据。但Mohr-Coulomb模型拟合得到残余强度包络线在高围压条件下会超过岩石峰值强度包络线,即应变硬化,具有一定局限性。国内外学者对于残余强度随围压的变化规律已经做了一些研究,并取得了一定的成果,Joseph[1]提出一种二次函数形式表示的残余强度模型,该模型可以较好地反映岩石残余强度随围压的变化规律,并用来确定岩石的脆-延转换围压,但仍然存在应变硬化现象。彭俊等[2]提出一种基于GSI弱化的应变软化模型来反映岩体残余强度参数在不同围压水平下的变化规律,该模型针对锦屏白山组大理岩的强度曲线拟合结果较好,但不太适用于单轴压缩条件下残余强度为0的结晶类岩石。本文基于上述模型的不足进一步研究残余强度的确定方法,基于H-B破坏准则提出了一种考虑粘聚力损失的岩石残余强度模型,并基于试验数据的拟合结果和数值模拟的方式分析了该模型的优势。

2 Hoek-Brown破坏准则Hoek-Brown破坏准则是由Hoek等[3-7]提出并发展完善的适用于完整岩石的经验破坏准则。Hoek-Brown强度准则的岩体强度公式为:

(1)式中ci为完整岩石的单轴抗压强度,1和3分别为岩石最终破坏时对应的最大主应力和最小主应力,s和mb为材料常数,a也为常数,可以通过GSI系统进行确定。Cundall等[8]在上述广义Hoek-Brown屈服准则的基础上建立了岩石破坏模型的屈服方程,即Hoek-Brown破坏模型, (2)Hoek-Brown破坏模型中的 , ,s和a等强度参数可以随着岩块屈服后塑性应变的累积而发生改变,从而可以据此描述岩石发生屈服后的强化和软化行为[9]。