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摘  要
关键词 不定方程;同余式;整数解;递归序列;平方剩余
Solution of indeterminate equation
  The Diophantine equation is also called the indeterminate equation. It means that the number of variables is more than the number of equations, also, the equation of the whole thing (or the system of equations) It is a branch of mathematical theory, with extensive research value, and closely related to algebra geometry, combinatorial mathematics, and algebraic coding. This research not only plays an important role in every branch of mathematics, but also have great practical significance for the mathematical disciplines such as computer science, electronics, digital signal processing etc. There are many methods in solving the Diophantine equations, both elementary methods and higher methods. But it has been prove that there is impossible a general algorithm can determine all the Diophantine equations whether there is a solution or not. It brings many difficulties to the researchers.
   This paper studies the integer solution of equation The corresponding conclusions are drawn and the proof is made. The first chapter introduces a series of developments and practical applications of the indefinite equation. The second chapter focuses on the concepts of the indefinite equation and the relevant properties of some of the indeterminate equations. In the third chapter, the integral solution of the indeterminate equation is studied, and the corresponding proof is made.
Keywords  Diophantine equation; Congruence type; Integer solutions; Recursion sequence; Square residual
第1章 绪论
1968年,英国数学家A.Baker给出了方程  解的一个可计算的上界,并成功的将Gelfond和Schncider有关Hilbert第七个问题的结果推广到一般的情况,从而确定了一大类丢番图方程的整数解的绝对值的上界。Baker的工作不但推动了超越数论的发展,而且给数论中包括丢番图方程在内的许多领域带来了突破性进展。
1969年,不定方程之王L.Jmordell详细地总结了当时的成果,写成了著名的《丢番图方程》(Dipohantine Equations,Ademie Press)
1983年,德国数学家G .Faltings用代数几何学的方法证明了在数论中莫德尔猜想,毫无疑问,这是20世纪数论中最杰出的工作之一,即在有理数域里亏格>1的代数曲线上仅有有限个有理点。由此可以推出Fcrmat方程+时最多有有限组整数解。D.R.Heath Brown证明了对“几乎所有”的正整数>2,方程均没有正整数解。