

时间:2018-03-19 14:57:04 编辑:知网查重入口 www.cnkiid.cn


关键词:员工培训  问题分析  对策建议
The staff training problem of ordos groupand the advice of counter measures
With the development of the society, the competition between enterprises is increasingly fierce, and the competition between the enterprises in the final analysis is the competition between talents, who have the talent, who will get advantage in the competition. But the number of talents is always limited, and how to improve the quantity and quality of talent is the top priority of the enterprise. Therefore, staff training as a sustainable means of cultivating enterprise talents, make people become a kind of renewable resources, for the enterprise development is particularly important.
Based on the ordos group as the research object, according to the actual circumstances of the ordos group staff training, staff training theory knowledge, analyzes the problems existing in the group staff training and countermeasures and Suggestions are given. Based on the ordos group as the research object, according to the actual circumstances of the ordos group staff training, staff training theory knowledge, analyzes the problems existing in the group staff training and countermeasures and Suggestions are given.
Keywords: Staff training ; Analysis of the problem; Countermeasures and Suggestions




在竞争日益激烈的今天,企业之间的竞争更依赖人才的竞争,人才之间的竞争需要挖掘人才背后的组织机构。随着经济发展日新月异,各企业之间的交流增加,市场面对各种严峻的挑战,企业必须保持人才的竞争优势,不断更新各种新兴的思想,才能在复杂的社会环境中保持优势。因此,企业应加大对人才投入力度的大小,重视对员工培训的程度,努力提升员工质量,使员工价值持续增值,从而不断提升企业价值,已经是大众企业的标准做法。 员工培训是企业发展不可或缺的一步。要想证明一个企业的竞争能力,还是要看企业的人才竞争能力。因此,通过对企业人才的培训,从而加强对企业综合实力的提升。只有进行培训才能使员工实力得到提高,只有通过培训才能使领导者的想法得到实施,只有通过培训才能使企业规章制度得到了解和遵守,只有通过培训才能对企业形成有力的保障。只有通过培训才能使员工积极主动参与到工作中来。因此,员工培训是有必要的。
