

时间:2018-05-04 17:44:05 编辑:知网查重入口 www.cnkiid.cn



Design and implementation of real - time target tracking software based on surveillance video
Video tracking is one of the core problems in the field of computer vision. Because of its wide application in real life, such as video surveillance, security monitoring, traffic supervision and intelligent navigation, it has been studied and paid by many scholars at home and abroad. With the popularity of intelligent devices and networks, people improve the awareness of security, video surveillance equipment has entered the tens of thousands of households, design and implementation of a video surveillance based on the target tracking software is necessary.
This paper studies and can use a dense time and space environment for visual tracking algorithm in the Matlab platform to complete the video tracking operation, and according to the algorithm design and implementation of a real-time monitoring based on video surveillance video, because people on the video Tracking the growing demand, and the popularity of smart phones, according to the needs of users analysis, this article designed and implemented an Android phone program, to shoot, select the video, and set the tracking target, due to smart devices such as mobile phone hardware limitations And video tracking operations required for the huge amount of computing and operating configuration, this paper chooses to complete the tracking operation on the PC side, the user will track information and video uploaded to the server, by the server call Matlab to complete the tracking operation, and the results back to the phone side. Finally, the software on the local and the overall function of the test to protect the software quality.
The software combines video tracking technology with the actual needs of users, allowing users to quickly and easily choose to shoot video on Android devices, get the tracking results they want, and easily get monitoring information.
Key Words:Video tracking; Android; client / server mode
本次开发的目标跟踪软件,主要目的是让人们能够在移动设备上更加方便快速地识别并指出监控视频中的追踪目标,整个开发过程使用的大多是现有的技术,视频追踪部分参考了前人的相关算法。以往我们在做类似项目时,往往采用是浏览器-服务器的模式,这种模式的优点是开发成本低,调试方便,也有比较好的兼容性,用户在设备上只需要有浏览器就可以使用。但是考虑到用户使用的实际情况,往往在移动设备的浏览器内体验不佳, B/S 模式也不符合移动互联网发展的潮流,因此我们使用了体验更好的手机客户端应用程序,即我们平常说的 app。
从90年代到21世纪,我们早已经进入信息化时代,社会发展日新月异,多媒体技术,通讯技术,网络技术等已渗透到广大群众生活起居的各个方面,这一切源于互联网行业的崛起,同时,互联网也有着走向多元化的趋势,越来越深刻的改变着人们的学习,工作,已及生活方式,其中,我们想要主要介绍的是移动互联网,在发展越来越迅猛的今天,PC端的互联网已经趋近于饱和,但是移动互联网却呈现着井喷式的发展。也就是android APP,在互联网的带动下,有很多东西发生了转变,android app开发也成为了移动开发的主体。
Android app发展蓬勃,不仅仅局限于手机游戏,各行各业无论是教育,学习,娱乐,军事,生活都有了或多或少的涉及,本次选题主要为系统的,全面的学习软件开发过程以及各阶段组织的方法,通用使用合适的软件工具来达到高效而快速的目的。 同时也可以为了丰富系统开发设计思路,使用良好的系统架构模式,从而能进一步学习框架中各种设计模式的运用,研究框架组合给系统开发带来的优势。

