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Literary translation means that the language form of the original text should be kept as far as possible in translation; namely, the translation and the original text often embody the same content in the same form of expression, thus retaining the expression of the original text, the figurative image and the national cultural color.There are many foreign novels named by the protagonist. The title of this novel is suitable for literary translation, so that the essence of the original title can be maintained as a faithful embodiment of the original novel. Take Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre as a example, the Chinese translation of Jane Eyre is a direct translation of two English words, covers Charlotte’s portrayal of romantic mystery, and highlights the heroine Jane simple love and the pursuit of equality, real marriage desire. It is a common practice mainly for the titles that include names of people and places, such asThe Old免费查重论文 Man and Sea was translated into<<老人与海>>, Farewell to Arms was translated into <<永别了,武器>>, Washington Square was translated into<<华盛顿广场>> and Gulliver’s Travel was translated into<<格列弗游记>>, Hamlet<<哈姆雷特>>,Rebecca<<丽贝塔>>.。