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On the characteristics and influence of palace music in Tang DynastyAbstract:The Tang Dynasty music is very developed, the music culture is an indispensable part of people’s life in Tang dynasty. At the same time, the stability of the state power and economic prosperity in the Tang Dynasty were closely related to the political and cultural exchanges of the neighboring countries, and the Tang Dynasty music developed very well. At the same time, the Tang Dynasty national political stability, economic prosperity and the surrounding national political and cultural exchanges, influenced by diversified culture at that time, the Tang Dynasty music also absorbs the surrounding areas of the local ethnic music, take the essence and discard the dross and promote the development of music of the Tang dynasty. According to different occasions, different affairs to choose different music and performance. Make the Tang Dynasty music become a monument in the history of music.Palace music belongs to classical music. In the Tang Dynasty, the ruling class adopted the policy of opening up and absorbed the culture of other countries, especially the foreign music. The Tang Dynasty palace enjoy a feast of music called ””. The seven step, nine music music during the Sui and Tang dynasties belong to ”. In this paper, the characteristics of the palace music to do the main description of the impact of diversified culture, the Tang Dynasty music also absorb the local ethnic music in the surrounding areas, take its essence, to its dregs to promote the development of the Tang Dynasty music. According to different occasions, different affairs to choose different music and performance. Make the Tang Dynasty music become a monument in the history of music.Palace music belongs to classical music. In the Tang Dynasty, the ruling class adopted the policy of opening up and absorbed the culture of other countries, especially the foreign music. The Tang Dynasty palace enjoy a feast of music called ””. The seven step, nine music music during the Sui and Tang dynasties belong to ”. This paper describes the characteristics of the palace music.Key word: Tang Dynasty palace; palace music; influence; Performance mode


11唐朝宫廷音乐简介 ……………………………………………………………………………

21.1宫廷音乐的定义 …………………………………………………………………………

21.2宫廷音乐机构 ……………………………………………………………………………

21.3宫廷音乐的乐器 …………………………………………………………………………

32唐朝宫廷音乐的特点 ……………………………………………………………………………

32.1宫廷音乐的表演方式 ……………………………………………………………………

42.1.1坐部伎 ……………………………………………………………………………

42.1.2立部伎 ……………………………………………………………………………

42.2宫廷乐舞 …………………………………………………………………………………

43唐朝宫廷音乐的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………

53.1对民间音乐的影响 ………………………………………………………………………

53.2对音乐形式产生的影响 …………………………………………………………………


6 引言

唐朝音乐发展迅速,音乐在当时人民生活中是必不可少的。同时唐朝时期国家政权稳定、经济繁荣与周边国家政治文化往来密切,受到当时唐朝音乐非常发达,音乐文化是唐代人民生活中不可或缺的一部分。同时唐朝时期国家政权稳定、经济繁荣与周边国家政治文化往来密切,受到当时多元化文化的影响,唐代音乐也吸取周边地区的民族地方音乐,取其精华、去其糟粕推动了唐代音乐的发展。在根据不同的场合、不同的环境中选择与之场合相符乐曲及表演方式。这使得唐朝音乐为后期音乐的发展奠定了坚实的基石。宫廷音乐属于古典音乐,在宫中流行起来的。唐朝统治的阶级们奉行开放政策,源源不断的不断吸收外来文化思想,尤其是外来乐曲精髓,在不断吸收碰撞中最终形成了以歌舞音乐为主的音乐形式。唐代宫廷宴享的音乐称作“燕乐”。隋唐时期的七步乐、九部乐就属于宫廷燕乐。1唐朝宫廷音乐简介1.1宫廷音乐的定义回顾中国音乐历史,宫庭音乐占据重要的地位,从神话传说到清末几千年的音乐发展历史中逐渐形成体系,作用于皇宫统治者们,政治、宗教、文化和娱乐活动的需要,形成了一个独特的音乐文化特征。宫廷音乐,就是在宫廷中参加宴会以供王公大臣欣赏,故称之为 “宴乐”后取 “燕乐”。后来泛指各种民族音乐、外国音乐、乐舞的总称。其风格主要以典雅,端庄和优美华丽而闻名。因此,宫廷音乐均具有优雅、华丽的风格特征,以显示彰显宫廷音乐巩固其宗法社会和进行统治服务,一方面他们把音乐作为享受娱乐的手段之一,另一方面凭借音乐来表现自己的威严和高贵。宫廷音乐的服务对象其实主要是面相唐朝统治阶级们。


1.3宫廷音乐的乐器唐朝(618年—907年),主要流行乐器有琵琶,芦笙,箜篌,横笛,腰鼓,竖琴等。琵琶 是唐朝宫廷音乐表演中很重要乐器之一。 琵和琶原是两种弹奏的指法不同,琵是右手向前弹,琶是右手向后弹。其实琵琶和现代的吉他挺相像的,都是左手按弦,右手拨弦,但当时琵琶是有四相十二品格。琵琶在唐代的使用度而且在唐代琵琶演奏技巧有了巨大发展光指法都有十多种延伸,使人听来如醉如痴例如《琵琶行》中“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语”般使人流连忘返。芦笙 此乃贵州一带产物,早在唐代时期,贵州的少数民族人民就开始制作这种乐器并且涌现出不少杰出的吹奏人才,在进贡的时候同去宫廷内演奏,深得朝廷官员的赞扬。至今在贵州还有少数民族会在节日期间吹奏芦笙跳舞助兴庆祝节日。贵州各地还有少数民族居住的村寨被誉为“芦笙之乡”。箜篌 此乐器更是古老,早在东汉时期的《玉台新咏》有一首词叫《孔雀东南飞》便提到过此琴“十五弹箜篌,十六诵诗书”,那时候也被称为“坎侯”或者是“空侯”。其形态亦不一样,它有三种形态,有“卧箜篌、竖箜篌、凤首箜篌”。其音色柔美,音域宽泛,表现能力强从古至今都受人喜爱,在现代音乐中箜篌基本常用于独奏,重奏或为歌舞伴奏,在大型管弦乐队中应用也很多。